What's New in AiM, IQ, ReADY & Go 12.1
We are excited to announce the latest release of AiM. The 12.1 release includes new features and bug fixes to make your experience even better!
What's New in:
What's New in AiM & AiM IQ
AiM - Global
Add UDF's to External URLs
Added the ability to incorporate User Defined Fields when generating external URLs.
AiM - Operations and Maintenance
Team Scheduler Enhancements
- The Team Scheduler screen can now be saved to the Favorites list on the WorkDesk.
Users may now define which Quick Filters they want to use on the Team Scheduler and also which columns will display in the Phase Listing section. The system will remember these settings.
- In order to facilitate assigning specific team members to incoming high priority work, responder types are now available for shop persons and an immediate flag is available for the phase priority. The phase shop assignment and team scheduler phase assignments screens display the new information.
- The Team Scheduler can display a color coded bar chart of the phases in each shop person's work queue.
Transaction Transfer Overview
Sometimes, the accounts that are linked to transactions as they occur may not be the accounts that finance wants these charges linked to when they are closing their financial cycles. The phase defaults may or may not be aligned with this accounting going forward. In order to avoid voiding and rebilling all of the source transactions, Transaction Transfer may be used.
Transaction transfer allows users to move financial transactions in fnd_a, associated with a specific work order and phase, from one account to one-or-many new accounts. The new accounting may be split by percentage or by fixed amounts. Transaction transfer creates negating transactions and creates the updated transactions in order to provide accountability and audit ability on a transaction by transaction basis.
Transaction Transfer Status Flags:
- OPEN (Initial Status - Parts editable as defined by lockdowns on the screen)
- FINALIZED (Screen locked, except Notes Log. Every time saving into Finalized status run Error Check. Can move from FINALIZED to POSTED or CANCELED, or OPEN.
- CANCELED (Screen locked, except Notes Log. Do not run Error Check. Can only get to CANCELED from OPEN or FINALIZED.)
- POSTED (Transactions written - All parts locked, except Notes log. Only save as POSTED if no Errors. No transactions are written to fnd_a if there are any errors.)
Notes about Transaction Transfer:
- Amounts will be moved as posted without alteration or conversion.
- There are not different postings per subledger. The entire transaction is reversed and then posted with the new accounting.
- Transaction Transfer does not support Capital Project distribution sources. Capital Project sources transactions must be processed using the CPPM Account Transfer screen.
- Transaction Transfer does not move encumbrances. ae_s_fnd_a.fin_type must be A.
- All affected accounts and subcodes must be unexpired and active.
AiM - Space Management
Add Org fields to Employee_location_View
In AiM, the following new fields are available for the user to add the Institution, Department, and Organization to the ae_h_emp_location table:
- Institution - ae_h_emp_location.company_id
- Department - ae_h_emp_location.dept_id
- Organization - ae_h_emp_location.oc_code
Allow an occupant to have multiple entries in a location:
The Space Management, Organizational Occupancy, Occupants screen now allows an occupant to have overlapping dates in the same location as long as the associated organization is different.
AiM - Contract Administration
Added UDF's To Contractor Address Code
AiM now incorporates User Defined Fields when generating external URLs in order to support integration with Workday's General Ledger System.
AiM - Asset Management
Add Export to Viewfinder
AiM users can now export the results of viewfinder searches as .csv files.
Work Order Phase On-Time Status Changes (986)
A new bundled Highcharts report which shows a count of Yes or No ("Y" or "N") for whether each Phase Status change occurs before its Days Past Due setup in AiM. The report comes with preloaded configuration parameters, which can be augmented with additional user filters.
Work Order Phase Distribution (987)
A new bundled Highcharts report which shows a count of Work Order Phases by Category. The report comes with preloaded configuration parameters, which can be augmented with additional user filters.
Work Order Phase Backlog (988)
A new bundled Highcharts report which shows a historical count of Work Order Phases with a "Not Complete" Phase Status Flag. The report comes with preloaded configuration parameters, which can be augmented with additional user filters.
Work Order Phase Average Days in Status Report (989)
A new bundled Highcharts report which shows a historical averages of days in Work Order Phase Status. The report comes with preloaded configuration parameters, which can be augmented with additional user filters.
Scheduled Reports
IQ customers can configure existing Report Widgets (BIRT or Highcharts) to be emailed as attached PDF files. Multiple reports can be added to each the Scheduled Report, which will generate and download the reports at the scheduled time.
What's New in ReADY Request & ReADY Space
ReADY Request
Textbox (Text) external validation
Textbox (Text) entry fields may be validated using an external web service. The validation is defined when the Validate checkbox is checked and Remote Validation is selected for "Answer should be". Javascript is composed to reach the external webservice via the Request formula and execute the TRUE/FALSE validation via the Response formula. The content and the format of the Javascript will be determined by the external application that provides the external validation
Textbox (Text) formula validation
Textbox (Text) entry fields may be validated by composing a javascript formula. The validation is defined when the Validate checkbox is checked and Formula is selected for "Answer should be".
ReADY Space
Space Survey Segment By Floor
On the Survey generator, surveys may be segmented by floor. In addition to segmenting surveys by property, organizational occupant or departmental occupant, surveys may be optionally segmented by floor. This is meant to solve the problem of large buildings with dominant occupants by breaking a large survey into smaller groups that are easier to traffic through the survey process. Additionally, this approach can be used to select individual floors of a property that are desired to survey while excluding other floors of the same property that are not targeted for survey. Floors of a property are selected in the survey generator in the property section.
Space Survey View Changes Page
A View Changes page exists to easily show surveyors, space survey administrators and workflow approvers the changes that were made during survey. The page features a filter to allow for focus on rooms of a particular status, occupant or other data. Access the View Changes page from the "View Changes" hyperlink in the header of the Survey Segment Room browse page. The View Changes page displays the survey section data as it existed at the time of survey generation on the left side of the page. On the right side of the page, survey section data that was modified or added during survey is displayed. Within a section, row data is horizontally aligned by primary key values for easy comparison of generated to surveyed data. When no changes were made to generated data, no values are shown for that row on the surveyed side to make changes more apparent and to make the page less visually dense.
Navigation from the page may occur in two ways. To return to the Survey Segment Room browse page, navigate using the breadcrumbs in the page header. To navigate to a particular room, perhaps for the purpose of modifying an entry, use the room row hyperlink. After modification to the room record, a breadcrumb on that page will allow navigation back to the View Changes page.
Space Survey Lock
The ability to Lock Survey rooms from further modification during the survey process is reserved for users with the Space Administrator responsibility assignment type. Rooms may be locked using the Lock button on the View Changes page. Rooms that are locked may not be changed with regards to status, or any other survey data. Rooms may be unlocked by the Space Administrator using the Unlock button. A good approach to avoid having to unlock rooms is to only lock rooms that are in a Finalized status.
Space Survey Filter
Above the rooms table on the Space Survey Rooms Browse page is a row of filters. The filter values in the drop downs on dynamic based on values present in the Space Survey Rooms data. Selecting a filter value will filter for rooms with that value in both generated and surveyed data. In other words, the displayed rooms may have that value in AiM at the time of survey generation OR have been added during survey. The selection of values in multiple filters will filter as
Space Survey API
Space survey data can be access outside of the ReADY application using business intelligence applications or readily available tools like Microsoft Excel. Applications of this capability include data quality review of survey data during the survey process, perhaps in combination with data that is external to both ReADY and AiM. There are two endpoints, one for the survey generator record and one for survey segment section data.
Error Handling
Errors can occur when survey data is committed to AiM. In a case where a survey segment is committed to AiM via workflow and 1 or more rooms make an error, the rooms without error will commit to AiM and the rooms with Error will display an error status. The detail describing the error is visible in System Configuration/Workflow.