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Thank you for attending AssetWorld 2021! 

AssetWorld 2022 is coming your way

AssetWorld is an annual gathering of facilities professionals that use AssetWorks' solutions (ReADY, AiM & Go) and FacilityForce solutions ( Engage, Operate, Perform) to better manage their facilities operations. Attendees have the opportunity to learn what's new and exciting with regard to AssetWorks' software, learn best practices from industry experts, network with peers and learn from one another. 

To bring you the best, all while being considerate of busy schedules, we have opted for a three-week spread of events, whereby event days are 3 to 4 hours in length per day and spread over three days per week. We believe this option will give you a greater opportunity to engage while also being flexible enough for you to be able to cover other work commitments.

Please note: AssetWorld 22 is only for existing customers of AssetWorks Facilities (Education) and/or FacilityForce (Government and Commercial). If you are interested in attending please reach out to us for more information. 

Click below to be re-directed to this year's event site/page. 
AssetWorld 2022
"You guys never disappoint. The sessions are useful and meaningful - and I appreciate that we as customers have access to the staff to talk about potential enhancements or new functionality! It shows the care your company has for their customers."
"AiM is a strong piece of software and has helped us drive significant organizational efficiencies. But we have even more ambitious goals planned. Being able to walk through those plans with AssetWorks' instructors was invaluable..."
"The conference was very interactive and fun. I now have a great deal of information and skills to share with my team. Networking with other facility professionals was second to none."
"The presentations helped me better understand where our gaps exist and the workshops outlined how to fix them. I can't wait to show what I learned to my Director."
"I can tell AssetWorks put a lot of thought and effort into making this conference as engaging as it was educational. I will definitely be back next year!"
"Being able to work through our specific problems with the instructors saved us a lot of time. I also appreciated being able to network with other facility professionals."

AssetWorld 2022 Countdown: